


Monterey County;  Plaintiff suffered a partial amputation volunteering at a facility.  The Mann Law Firm investigated the matter and found that a third party was negligent in causing the injuries when other law firms rejected the case.

  • over $3,000,000.00

Santa Clara County; an insurance company failed to pay a life insurance policy to a family when their father/husband died from a truck accident.  The Insurance company argued that his life insurance contract was nullified because he did not dislocse a health condition.

  •  $1,000,000.00

Sutter County; a motorcycle crash where the Plaintiff suffered leg and hip fractures caused by a crash with a law enforcement vehicle.

  • $900,000.00

Alameda County; for the wrongful death of a young woman when she was killed in an auto vs. truck undderide collision.  The case settled after 2 days of jury selection.


Los Angeles Federal Court; co-chair in a products liability, breach of warranty and negligence trial against an international airplane designer, manufacturer and the pilot training school.  After 3 weeks of trial, the Plaintiffs received a verdict.

  • $3,900,000.00

Santa Clara County; Parking lot collision involving a Plaintiff who had pre-existing spinal injuries which were aggravated in the subject collision.

  • $900,000.00

Santa Clara County;  Rear-end Collision, wherein the Plaintiff suffered soft tissue injuries including a sore back and neck.

  • $75,000

Alameda County; Wrongful death of a woman who drowned in the Alameda Estuary after driving off a boat ramp.  The Mann Law Firm and The Franecke Law Group investigated the crash and argued that the design of the roadway leading into the water was defective for the lack of warning signs.


San Mateo County; Airplane crash resulting in multiple fractures and a lengthy rehabilitation for our client.

  • $900,000.00

San Joaquin County; Plaintiffs lost their grandfather and daughter in a head on collision.  The attorneys at The Mann Law Firm took on the State of California for creating a dangerous highway offramp and contributing to the cause of the collision.